
SOUTH CAROLINA - History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SC

Description: The Ultimate History and Genealogy Collection of South Carolina 164- Books on an 8GB FLASH DRIVE ! An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. These books on FLASH DRIVE are SEARCHABLE What is “Searchable”? Simply type in a word, name, place or phrase and the “Find” function will locate the word wherever it exists within the text. The process only takes a few minutes per book and saves you many hours in searching these books for the information you want. Your Ancestors are waiting to be Discovered. CONTENTS Marriage Notices in the South-Carolina gazette and its successors. (1732-1801) by Alexander S. Adstolen - (1902) – 177 pages Marriage Notices in the South-Carolina gazette; and country journal (1765-1775) and in the Charlestown gazette (1778-1780) by A.S. Nelots - (1904) – 46 pages The World War honor roll of those South Carolinians, who entering the services from their state, died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States - (1921) – 50 pages Men of Mark in South Carolina; ideals of American life: a collection of biographies of leading men of the state, Volumes 1 - 3 by J.C. Hemphill - (1907) – 1357 pages Men of the Time. Sketches of living notables. A biographical encyclopedia of contemporaneous South Carolina leaders by D.L. Clark - (1902) – 465 pages The Names, as far as can be ascertained, of the officers who served in the South Carolina regiments on the continental establishment ; of the officers who served in the militia ; of what troops were upon the continental establishement ; and of what militia organizatons served ; together with some miscellaneous information by Wilmot De Saussure - (1894) - 37 pages A chapter in the early history of South Carolina by William J. Rivers - (1874) – 114 pages History of Fairfield county, South Carolina by William Ritaken - (1902) – 98 pages A brief sketch of the life and military services of Arthur P. Hayne, of Charleston, South Carolina by Arthur Perronneau Hayne - (1852) - 21 pages A contribution to the history of the Huguenots of South Carolina, consisting of Pamphlets by T. Gaillard Thomas: publisher, Frederick A. Porcher, Samuel Dubose - (1887) - 171 pages Roster and History of the Department of Georgia, (states of Georgia and South Carolina,) Grand army of the republic - (1894) – 10 pages A sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons, from the earliest formation of the Corps (1888) - Edward Laight Wells - 90 pages A voice from South Carolina (1879) - John A. Anaugi - 230 pages Genealogy of the Rumph family of South Carolina by A.S. Salley - (1903) – 10 pages A Summary of the Descendants of William Dodgins, Sr. of Newberry Co., South Carolina (ca. 1740-1804) - Allen B Cox - 138 pages An Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South-Carolina, from the first settlement of the province, to the war of the revolution; with notices of the present state of the church in each parish: and some account of the early civil history of Carolina, never before published. To which are added; the laws relating to religious worship; the journals and rules of the convention of South-Carolina; the constitution and canons of the Protestant Episcopal church, and the course of ecclesiastical studies (1820) - Frederick Foussat & Dennis Clark - 428 pages An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1 (1779) - Alexander Hewatt - 348 pages An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2 (1779) - Alexander Hewatt - 329 pages Biographical sketch of Gov. B. R. Tillman of South Carolina (1894) - Thornwell Haynes - 63 pages Charleston, the Place and the People by Harriott Horry Ravenel - (1906) - 528 pages Census of the city of Charleston, South Carolina, for the year 1861 by Frederick A Ford - (1861) - 269 pages Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society by the South Carolina Historical Society - (1857) - 300 pages Constitutional history of South Carolina from 1725 to 1775 by David Duncan Wallace (1899) - 93 pages A chapter of South Carolina constitutional history by David D. Wallace - (1900) – 8 pages A history of the progenitors and some South Carolina descendants of Colonel Ann Hawkes Hay, with collateral genealogies, A. D. 500-1908 by Charles Jones Colcock - (1908) – 198 pages A history of the University of South Carolina by Sally T. Olen - (1916) – 474 pages A History of the upper country of South Carolina : from the earliest periods to the close of the War of Independence by John Henry Logan - (1859) – 520 pages A Sketch of the history of South Carolina : to the close of the proprietary government by the revolution of 1719 by William J. Rivers - (1856) – 470 pages A Sketch of the town of Summerville, South Carolina by Legare’ Walker - (1910) – 26 pages A brief notice of the death and character of Gov. Hamilton of South Carolina by Lewis Cruger -(1857) - 15 pages Abram Lincoln and South Carolina by J. W. Jermon - (1861) – 15 pages Aiken, South Carolina by J.C. Derby - (1870) – 78 pages Biographical Sketches of the Huguenot Solomon Legaré and of his family : extending down to the fourth generation of his descendants. Also, Reminiscences of the revolutionary struggle with Great Britain, including incidents and scenes which occurred in Charleston, on John's Island, and in the surrounding country of South Carolina during the war by Eliza Fludd & R. Iguana - (1865) - 144 pages Catalogue of the South Carolina college, 1854 by South Carolina University - (1854) - 64 pages Co. J, 4th South Carolina infantry at the first battle of Manassas by B.B. Breazeale - (1912) – 28 pages Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper South Carolina by Sara Tamer Olen (1897) – 362 pages Columbia, South Carolina by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company - (1906) – 26 pages Conway, South Carolina. This pamphlet is prepared and issued by the Conway Chamber of Commerce. It is intended to set forth accurately the attractions and points of excellence possessed by the town and surrounding country by Conway chamber of commerce - (1922) - 48 pages Correspondence of Henry Laurens, of South Carolina by Henry Laurens - (1861) - 233 pages Declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of South Carolina from the federal union ; and, The ordinance of secession. by The South Carolina Convention - (1860) - 13 page Documentary History of the American revolution: consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, from originals in the possession of the editor, and other sources, Volume 1, by Robert W. Gibbes - (1855) - 312 pages Documentary History of the American revolution: consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, from originals in the possession of the editor, and other sources, Volume 2, by Robert W. Gibbes - (1855) - 316 pages Documentary History of the American revolution: consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, from originals in the possession of the editor, and other sources, Volume 3, by Robert W. Gibbes - (1855) -316 pages Eulogium on Keating Lewis Simons (late commanding the 29th regt. of South-Carolina militia) (1819) - William Crafts - 31 pages Experience and Personal Narrative of Uncle Tom Jones: who was for forty years a slave. Also the surprising adventures of Wild Tom, of the island retreat, a fugitive negro from South Carolina (1854) - Thomas H Jones; Richard Hildreth - 56 pages Government of the Colony of South Carolina (1921) - Edson Leone Whitney -124 pages Historical Collections of South Carolina; embracing many rare and valuable pamphlets, and other documents, relating to the history of that state from its first discovery to its independence, in the year 1776 Volume 1 (1836) - Bartholomew Rivers Carroll - 533 pages Historical Collections of South Carolina; embracing many rare and valuable pamphlets, and other documents, relating to the history of that state from its first discovery to its independence, in the year 1776 Volume 2 (1836) - Bartholomew Rivers Carroll - 576 pages History of Higher Education in South Carolina (1889) - Colyer Meriwether, Edward McCrady - 247 pages History of the American Negro and his institutions - South Carolina, Volume 3 (1917) - Arthur Bunyan Caldwell - 757 pages History of the Evangelical Lutheran synod of South Carolina, 1824-1924 (1864) - Samuel T. Hallman - 318 pages History of the Fourth regiment of South Carolina volunteers, from the commencement of the war until Lee's surrender (1892) - Jesse Walton Reid - 143 pages History of the Holy Communion Church Institute, of Charleston, South Carolina (1876) - Anthony Toomer Porter - 90 pages History of the New England society of Charleston, South Carolina, for one hundred years, 1819-1919 (1920) - William Way - 307 pages History of the Old Cheraws: containing an account of the aborigines of the Pedee, the first white settlements, their subsequent progress, civil changes, the struggle of the revolution, and growth of the country afterward; extending from about A.D. 1730 to 1810, with notices of families and sketches of individuals (1867) - Alexander Gregg - 546 pages Journal of the Commissioners of the navy of South Carolina October 9, 1776-March 1, 1779, July 22, 1779-March 23, 1780; by Commissioners of the Navy Board, (1912) - 269 pages Journal of the Convention of the people of South Carolina (1862) - South Carolina. Convention (1860-1862); Jameson, D. F. (David Flavel), 1810-1864; Confederate States of America. Constitution; South Carolina. Constitution - 873 pages King's Mountain and Its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780, and... (1881) - Lyman Draper, - 612 pages Documents Relative to a Proposed Settlement of Jews in South Carolina in 1748 by Barnett A. Morfnekat - (1903) – 40 pages Grier's Southern almanac for the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee : for the year of our Lord 1863 being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and the third of Southern independence by Thomas P. Ashmore - (1862) - 24 pages Hampton and Reconstruction by Edward Laight Wells - (1907) - 231 pages Historic Houses of South Carolina by Clark Rehsilbup - (1921) – 318 pages Historical Sketch of the Huguenot Congregations of South Carolina by Daniel Ravenel - (1900) – 74 pages History and Condition of the Catawba Indians of South Carolina by Hazel Lewis Scaife - (1896) – 24 pages History of South Carolina, Volume 3 Only, by Yates Snowden - (1920) – 272 pages History of South Carolina: from its first settlement in 1670 to the year 1808, Volume 1 & 2 by David Ramsay - (1858) – 274 pages History of the German settlements and of the Lutheran church in North and South Carolina, from the earliest period of the colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss settlers to the close of the first half of the present century by Gotthardt Bernheim - (1872) – 540 pages History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina by George Howe - (1870) - 787 pages History of the South Carolina college, from its incorporation, Dec. 19, 1801, to Nov. 25, 1857 by Maximilian LaBorde - (1859) – 462 pages History, Description and Resources of Darlington County, state of South Carolina by South Carolina State Grange. Darlington Co. - (1874) – 28 pages Independence Declared, South Carolina, December 20, 1860 by the South Carolina Constitutional Convention - (1860) - 2 pages Jewish Marriage notices from the newspaper press of Charleston, S.C., 1775-1906 by Barnett Abraham Nelots - (1917) - 64 pages Lays of the Palmetto, a tribute to the South Carolina regiment, in the war with Mexico by William Gilmore Simms - (1848) – 44 pages Led on! Step by step, scenes from clerical, military, educational, and plantation life in the South, 1828-1898 by Anthony Toomer Porter - (1898) - 450 pages Life and times of William Lowndes of South Carolina, 1782-1822 by Harriot Horry Ravenel - (1901) - 254 pages Lowndes of South Carolina, an historical and genealogical memoir by George Bigelow Chase - (1876) – 80 pages Minutes of the Vestry of St. Helena's parish, South Carolina, 1726-1812 by A.S. Salley - (1919) – 296 pages Narratives of Early Carolina, 1650-1708 by A.S. Salley - (1911) – 388 pages Official Souvenir, 1901-1902, South Carolina inter-state and West Indian exposition by The South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition - (1902) - 56 pages Old Plantation Days; being recollections of southern life before the civil war by Nancy Bostick De Saussure - (1909) - 123 pages Recollections of the Ball family of South Carolina and the Comingtee plantations by Anne Simons Deas - (1909) – 188 pages Register (births) of St. Philip's parish Charles Town, South Carolina, 1720-1758 by A.S. Nelots - (1904) – 354 pages Report of the Auditor of South Carolina, on claims against the state for slaves lost in the public service by James Tupper - (1864) - 17 pages Rules of the South Carolina society by South Carolina Society - (1889) - 103 pages School History of South Carolina by James W. Davidson - (1869) – 288 pages Six Generations of the Cantey family of South Carolina by Joseph S. Ames - (1910) – 56 pages Sketches of South Carolina by Gustavus M. Middleton - (1908) – 32 pages Slavery in South Carolina and the ex-slaves; or, The Port Royal mission by A.M. French - (1862) – 312 pages Slavery in the Province of South Carolina, 1670-1770 by Edward McCrady - (1896) - 30 pages Some Historic Families of South Carolina by Mary Y. Adtaken - (1905) - 86 pages South Carolina : a patriotic ode by Dennis L. Clark (1861) - 1 pages South Carolina as a royal province, 1719-1776 by William Roy Smith - (1903) - 472 pages South Carolina Women in the Confederacy by the United Daughters of the Confederacy - (July 1903) – 412 pages South Carolina, Disunion, and a Mississippi Valley confederacy by Samuel S. Foussat - (1860) – 15 pages South Carolina, with special reference to Aiken and vicinity, as a desirable location for actual settlers - (1867) – 32 pages South Carolina. Her wrongs and the remedy by Richard Lathers - (1874) - 35 pages South Carolina. Resources and population. Institutions and industries. Published by the State Board of Agriculture of South Carolina by South Carolina Dept. of Agriculture, Harry Hammond - (1883) - 719 pages South-Carolina in the Revolutionary War : being a reply to certain misrepresentations and mistakes of recent writers in relation to the course and conduct of this state by William Gilmore Simms - (1853) - 177 pages Spartanburg City and Spartanburg County, South Carolina, 1903; - (1903) – 38 pages Statistics of South Carolina, including a view of its natural, civil, and military history, general and particular by Rocky I. Ristolen - (1826) - 800 pages Stub Entries to Indents Issued in payment of claims against South Carolina growing out of the Revolution by Alexander Samuel Smalley - (1910) - 317 pages Tentative Roster of the Third regiment, South Carolina volunteers, Confederate States provisional army, by A.S. Salley - (1908) – 128 pages The Address of the People of South Carolina assembled in convention, to the people of the slaveholding states of the United States . by The South Carolina Convention - (1865) - 16 page The Alstons and Allstons of North and South Carolina; by Joseph A. Groves - (1901) – 554 pages The Annals and Parish Register (births) of St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish, in South Carolina, from 1680-1884 - (1884) – 110 pages The Bethea Family of Marion County, South Carolina by W.W. Sellers - (1902) – 26 pages The Burning of Columbia, S.C. : a review of northern assertions and southern facts by Daniel Heyward - (1866) - 30 pages The Calhoun Family of South Carolina by A.S. Salley - (1906) – 42 pages The Cash Family of South Carolina : a truthful account of the many crimes committed by the Carolina cavalier outlaws by S.W. Henley - (1884) - 61 pages The Colonial History of the Heyward family of South Carolina, 1670-1770 by James Barnwell Heyward - (1907) – 38 pages The Constitution of the State of South Carolina, April 8, 1861 by the South Carolina Constitution - (1861) - 6 pages The Cotton Mills of South Carolina, 1907 by August Nelots - (1907) - 228 pages The Cuthberts, barons of Castle Hill, and their descendants in South Carolina and Georgia by Joseph Gaston Baillie Bulloch - (1908) - 128 pages The early history of the southern states: North and South Carolina, and Georgia by Lambert Lilly - (1847) - 191 pages The early period of reconstruction in South Carolina by John Porter Hollis - (1905) – 672 pages The Early South Carolina Newspapers ESCN database reports : a quick reference guide to local news and advertisements found in the early South Carolina newspapers by South Carolina Gazette - (1732) - 260 pages The French Protestant (Huguenot) Church in the city of Charleston, South Carolina by S.C. French Protestant Church - (1898) – 22 pages The Genesis of South Carolina, 1562-1670 by William Ashmead Courtenay - (1907) - 175 pages The History of Freemasonry in South Carolina, from its origin in the year 1736 to the present time by Albert Gallatin Mackey - (1861) - 536 pages The History of Methodism in South Carolina by Albert M. Shipp - (1884) – 652 pages The History of Orangeburg County, South Carolina by Alexander S. Salley - (1898) – 572 pages The History of South Carolina by William Gilmore Simms - (1917) – 368 pages The History of South Carolina by Dennis L. Clark - (1918) - 388 pages The History of South Carolina in the revolution by Edward McCrady - (1902) - 900 pages The History of South Carolina under the proprietary government, 1670-1719 by Edward McCrady - (1897) – 760 pages The History of South Carolina. From its first European discovery to its erection into a republic by William G. Simms - (1866) – 438 pages The History of the Revolution of South-Carolina, from a British province to an independent state, Vol 1 by David Ramsay - (1785) - 486 pages The history of the revolution of South-Carolina, from a British province The History of the Revolution of South-Carolina, from a British province to an independent state, Vol 2 by David Ramsay - (1785) - 670 pages to an independent state (1785) Two Diaries from Middle St. John's, Berkeley, South Carolina, February-May, 1865 by Susan Ravenel Jervey - (1921) - 56 pages The Improvement of Columbia, South Carolina by Kelsey & Guild - (1905) - 98 pages The Indians of South Carolina by Edwin L. Green - (1920) – 81 pages The Jews of South Carolina from the earliest settlement to the end of the American revolution by Leon Huhner - (1904) - 22 pages The Jews of South Carolina, from the earliest times to the present day by Barnett A. Elzas - (1905) – 352 pages The Jews of South Carolina; a survey of the records at present existing in Charleston by Barnett A. Elzas - (1903) – 9 pages The Journal of Alexander Chesney, a South Carolina loyalist in the revolution and after by Alexander Chesney - (1921) – 166 pages The Life of Bishop Bowen of South Carolina by John N. Norton - (1859) – 160 pages The Making of South Carolina by D.L. Clark - (1906) – 332 pages The Mission of South Carolina to Virginia by Christopher Gustavus Memminger - (1860) - 39 pages The Negro law of South Carolina by John Belton O'Neall - (1848) - 58 pages The Newspaper Press of Charleston, S.C. : a chronological and biographical history, embracing a period of one hundred and forty years by William L. King - (1872) - 199 pages The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina by Chauncey Samuel Boucher & D.L. Clark - (1916) - 428 pages The Operation of the Freedmen's Bureau in South Carolina by Laura Josephine Webster & R. Iguana - (1916) - 83 pages The Parish Church of St. Michael, in Charles Town, in the province of South Carolina. Founded 1752 by George Smith Holmes - (1887) – 46 pages The Police Control of the slave in South Carolina by Howell Meadoes Henry - (1914) - 189 pages The Respectful Remonstrance, on Behalf of the White People of South Carolina, against the constitution of the late Convention of that state, now submitted to Congress for ratification by the Democratic Party (S.C.) State Central Executive Committee, Wade Hampton - (1868) - 22 pages The Romance of Lower Carolina; historic, romantic and traditional incidents of the Colonial and revolutionary eras by Cornelius Irvine Walker - (1915) - 163 pages The Scotch-Irish, and their first settlements on the Tyger River and other neighboring precincts in South Carolina. A centennial discourse, delivered at Nazareth Church, Spartanburg district, S. C., September 14, 1861 by George Howe - (1861) - 31 pages The Secession Movement in South Carolina, 1847-1852 by Philip May Hamer - (1918) - 152 pages -1711; The South Carolina handbook of the war by State Council of Defense - (1917) – 90 pages The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, Volume 17 - (1900) – 198 pages The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, Volume 13 - (1912) – 246 pages The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, Volume 15 - (1913) – 206 pages The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, Volume 24 - (1923) – 128 pages Tribute to Benjamin Franklin Perry ex-governor of South Carolina by Elizabeth Frances Perry - (1888) - 118 pages Twentieth Century sketches of the South Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South by Watson B. Duncan - (1901) – 384 pages Warrants for lands in South Carolina, 1672-1711; Volume 3 Only by A.S. Salley - (1910) – 262 pages Who's Who in South Carolina, a dictionary of contemporaries containing biographical notices of eminent men in South Carolina; by Geddings Harry Crawford - (1921) – 228 pages Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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SOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SCSOUTH CAROLINA -  History & Genealogy - 164 old books on FLASH DRIVE - County SC

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